Abortion is healthcare

Pregnancy Testing & Ultrasounds

We offer several types of pregnancy tests to accurately give you the results you need to move forward. All of our tests are done at the clinic by trained professional staff. Private appointments are available and no lab referral visits are required.
A Woman's Choice Abortion Clinic Pregnancy Testing And Ultrasounds
A Woman's Choice Abortion Clinic Pregnancy Testing And Ultrasounds

Pregnancy Tests We Offer

Urine Tests: Our pregnancy tests can detect a pregnancy as early as 2 weeks after a missed period. We also offer an additional urine pregnancy test that detects pregnancy as early as 7 to 10 days after conception.

Blood Tests: We offer 2 in-house hCG Blood Tests:

  • Qualitative: (1 visit) Detects pregnancy hormones (hCG) as early as 7 to 10 days after conception.
  • Quantitative: (2 visits) Scheduled 24-48 hours apart, these tests are compared to see if the pregnancy hormone is increasing or not.

Personal Ultrasounds: An ultrasound can tell you more accurately the length of the pregnancy. This can help you in making your pregnancy decision by being able to better plan and the reassurance of accuracy.

The morning after pill will not prevent pregnancy for any unprotected sex you may have after taking the pills. It will not stop a pregnancy already implanted in your uterus.

You should have a normal period within 3 weeks. If you do not, you should return to our office for a pregnancy test.

Emergency contraception is SAFE — millions of people have used different kinds of emergency contraceptives for 30+ years. There have been no reports of serious complications.

Taking the morning after pill more than once won’t hurt you.  

Service Locations

Our Care Extends Across These Clinics and Surrounding Areas

Charlotte, NC

(704) 367-2255

Jacksonville, FL

(904) 448-8877

Greensboro, NC

(336) 273-9485

Raleigh, NC

(919) 781-6811

Danville, VA

(434) 218-1032

Financial help is available

We understand the financial barriers that many pregnant people face when deciding to end a pregnancy. We will work with those who are eligible to provide financial assistance. We have trained funding assistants and patient navigators to support you.

We Are Here For You!

Has your state banned or restricted abortion?

If you are traveling to our clinics from a state that has banned abortion then there may be additional financial support available to you. This is subject to change but may apply if you are from the following states: Alabama, Arkansas, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, or Wisconsin.

Florida state law imposes several restrictions on abortion, including a patient must receive state-mandated information from a doctor at least 24 hours before an abortion. The counseling must be provided in person requiring at least two separate trips to our facility. We provide abortion care up to 6 weeks of pregnancy.

To comply with the state law, patients will be required to receive state-mandated information and consent in person 72 hours before an abortion. State law requires at least two separate trips to our facility. We can provide abortion care through 12 weeks of pregnancy.

There are NO waiting period for abortion care. Make your appointment now. State law does require minors to notify and obtain parental consent (see our Teens & Abortion page for details).

A Woman's Choice Abortion Services

We know that choosing abortion is a thoughtful decision.

A Woman’s Choice offers a compassionate, non-judgmental environment for our patients. We are woman-owned and woman-operated and proud to offer you the best care in our communities. We welcome patients from all state which includes, but are not limited to: Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and West Virginia.