A Woman's Choice Of JAX Response To Florida's Passing Of A Six-Week Abortion Ban. Keep Your Abortion Appointments

Response to the Passing of a Six-Week Abortion Ban in Florida

At A Woman’s Choice of Jacksonville, we believe that everyone should be able to make decisions about their own reproductive lives and futures, including choosing the method of abortion, miscarriage management, or pregnancy care that works best for their circumstances. 

“For months, we have been on the frontlines dealing with the aftermath of Florida’s 15-week abortion ban that has put the lives and health of Floridians and people of the South at risk. Instead of addressing the harms of the 15-week abortion, Republican lawmakers are doubling down on their anti-abortion agenda and have passed a 6-week abortion ban,” says Kelly Flynn, President and CEO of A Woman’s Choice of Jacksonville.

This 6-week ban does not go into immediate effect. Abortion is legal through 15 weeks of pregnancy.

A Woman’s Choice of Jacksonville is one of the plaintiffs in a lawsuit challenging Florida’s 15-week abortion ban, the decision is pending. If the FL Supreme Court rules to eliminate Florida’s right to privacy, we would have 30 days after that ruling to enforce the 6-week ban. This could be months from today.

We want to assure our communities of two things at this moment: abortion is still legal and available at our clinic for both medication and procedural abortion care. You can call 800-298-8874 to schedule an appointment or request an appointment online

Patients deserve access to accurate information and we are here to help. A Woman’s Choice of Jacksonville has patient navigators that will discuss all of your options and support you in accessing the care you want.

This abortion ban has nothing to do with protecting the health and safety of Floridians. This is about power and controlling our bodies and our futures. A Woman’s Choice of Jacksonville will continue to challenge these bans in the courts and at the ballot and we hope you will join us in the fight. 

We need to take action, we need to call and tell our legislators that they should not be interfering in our health care or personal decisions. But we also need our community members to show up locally—volunteer to be a clinic escort, reach out about supporting our staff and clinic escorts, and donate to a clinic or abortion fund to support someone accessing abortion care. 

Here are ways you can support:

Together we will keep fighting to keep abortion care accessible for Floridians and people of the South.