We Are Here To Help
Adoption is about options. Here are some facts for you to know:
- Over 90% of people choose open adoption. You have the right to decide what type of relationship feels right for you.
- You get to choose the adoptive family, and Just Choice has the best of the best!
- It’s about economic independence. All expenses related to the pregnancy and adoption are paid for.
- Adoption is about your pregnancy. You will be assigned an advocate to ensure you are informed throughout the process. Your advocate is available to you 24 hours a day for as long as you need.
- Adoption plans can be made now or after delivery, and anytime in between. We follow your lead. When you are ready, we are too.
- The plans are private, again, with you at the very center.
Parenting is about options too. Here are some facts for you to know:
- Though unplanned, many people choose to continue their pregnancy and parent.
Even teenagers can make good parents! - There are resources available to you to help you parent.
We can help get you connected.
Parenting plans can be made at any time.
When you need us, we will be ready to help.
No one has a right to tell you that you cannot parent your child. You’ve got this!
- There are resources available to you to help you parent.
We know today can be a hard day. No one dreams of having an unplanned pregnancy. And yet, the majority of pregnancies in America today are unplanned. You have options, and you are not alone. With the right people by your side, you will be okay.
If adoption or parenting is an option you would like to consider, please visit our friends at justchoice.org. Call (866) 989-1466 or text (419) 308-2303.